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Activity reports
FR Agorantic presentation
5 thematics axis
Axis 1 : Methodologies and Interdisciplinarity
Axis 2 : Culture and Digital
Axis 3 : Politic(s), transparency et ethic
Axis 4 : Experiences and Urban narrative dimension
Axis 5 : Structuration and corpus exploitation
Organization chart of the federation
Scientific project
The federation guardians
Units of research federation
Projects initiated by Agorantic
Funded research projects in 2012
Funded research projects in 2013
Funded research projects in 2014
Funded research projects in 2015
Funded research projects in 2016
Funded research projects in 2017
Funded research projects in 2018
Funded research projects in 2019
Funded research projects in 2020
Funded research projects in 2021
Publications en
Contact us
Documents en
Activity reports
FR Agorantic presentation
5 thematics axis
Axis 1 : Methodologies and Interdisciplinarity
Axis 2 : Culture and Digital
Axis 3 : Politic(s), transparency et ethic
Axis 4 : Experiences and Urban narrative dimension
Axis 5 : Structuration and corpus exploitation
Organization chart of the federation
Scientific project
The federation guardians
Units of research federation
Projects initiated by Agorantic
Funded research projects in 2012
Funded research projects in 2013
Funded research projects in 2014
Funded research projects in 2015
Funded research projects in 2016
Funded research projects in 2017
Funded research projects in 2018
Funded research projects in 2019
Funded research projects in 2020
Funded research projects in 2021
Publications en
Activity reports
Scientific Council and Federation Council
On the 17th of January 2018, the Scientific Council and the Federation Council of federation Agorantic took place. You can consult the decision report of those two meetings below.
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