Axis 2 : Culture and Digital


Lise Renaud (CNE) and Éric SanJuan (LIA)



Culture, digital, history, use, heritage, community, museum, festivals, facility, contextualisation, digitalisation, indexation, mediation, prescription.



Digital technics development affect areas of culture and patrimony. This renew possibilities of appraisal and knowledge but also of meditation and communication of historical, scientific and technical informations. Refresh possibilities of expertise and knowledge, mediation and historical, scientific and technical informations broadcasting, and also heritage valorisation.


Research and work in Axis 2 aim to :

  • Work to a better understanding of digital culture.
  • Formalize pluridisciplinary studies of digital disposition uses (hardware and software).
  • Experiment digital methods for community studies and their sociodemographic evolution.
  • Question issues of elaboration and circulation of digital representation of patrimonies.
  • Initiate and facilitate collaborations between researchers, academics and institutionnal  actors on cultural digital projects.


Projects related to this axis